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A Selection of Courses

Introduction to Engineering Design

designing real engineering systems and discovering the impact engineers can have

[real projects]

 term long design products for children at local schools


[human-centered design]

observations, interviews, empathy



each team member gets a superpower

the power to create (CAD+3d printing), the power to control (arduinos, sensors, motors), the power to shape (working with foam), the power to build (woodworking)

Systems Engineering Concepts

applying systems thinking to improve the performance of complex systems

[solve the right problem]

part of solving a problem is making sure you understand the objectives of the system


[embrace error]

if you wait for perfect information, you will never do anything


[it depends]

trade-offs between values shape recommendations

Systems Integration

designing integrated systems that require interdisciplinary engineering knowledge and skills

[prototype to learn]

advancing a project through effective use of prototypes throughout a design process 


[behavior, not tools]

adopting effective design behaviors that persist beyond the end of the class



keeping your eye on the system even when you are designing a component



rich engagement of stakeholders as a key to innovative solutions

Systems Evaluation

integrating statistical modeling  with systems thinking to utilize data to drive decision-making


knowing what to measure to improve performance



generating insights with data using statistics, design of experiments, optimization, and simulation



contextualizing statistical significance to inform decision significance

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